World Congress: Tai Chi/Qigong and Chinese Medicine

April 19, 2021 Joe Brady

Free 0n-line Event! 21st World Congress
Qigong / Tai Chi / Traditional Chinese Medicine /Natural Healing
April 23 to 26, 2021

The World Congress brings together top masters of Taichi and Qigong from all over the world. Learn from international experts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and natural therapy as well as from universities and organizations leading in the fields of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai Chi, and Qigong. 

These organizations and Universities promote the integration of various types of health maintenance, traditional medicine, and natural therapy to help fight the Covid-19 epidemic. Click to learn more or register for this EXCITING 21st World Congress.

Conference Leadership

  • Conference Chair Dr. Effie Chow, the mother of Western Qigong,
  • Co-Chair Bill Douglas, the founder of World Tai Chi Day
  • Co-Chair Yingqiu Wang, founder of the University of East-West Medicine, 
  • Co-Chair Dr. M.J. Bulbrook, President of Akamai University
  • Co-Chair CJ Rhoads, Professor
  • Executive Chairman Jack Fu, Founder of Qi-Acupuncture,

 Join some of the world’s top experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine and many of the top doctors from Wuhan China as they discuss the treatment of COVID and the treatment of the after-effects of long-term Covid patients.

  • Wuhan doctors Bangjang Fang, Biao Lu,
  • Dan Jiang, presenter of the academic committee of the British Medical Association;
  • Yemen Chen, the former president of ACAOM;
  •  Jishun Hao, the former president of the NCCAOM
  • Zheng Jianhua, lifelong chairman of the Austrian Chinese Medicine Association;
  • Miansheng Zhu, chairman of the European Association of Experts
  • Guijian Huang, chairman of the Canadian Acupuncture Association
  • Ren Liping, Epidemic expert
  • as well as experts from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Hungary. Professionals from 50 other countries, totaling nearly 90 experts, will directly communicate the latest, practical TCM acupuncture techniques. And Taiji,Qi gong.


This online Forum will be broadcast from April 23, 2021, through April 26, 2021 from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm, in both Chinese and English. It will be broadcast using Zoom live, the Qihuang website live, and also on Facebook and YouTube. Media sponsors are Gigi Oh, Head of TC Media, Inc., and Rose Hong, Host of Global Dragon TV. After the Forum, special low-cost seminars taught by over10 top acupuncture TCM Tai Chi and Qigong experts will be arranged on May 1, 2021 and May 2, 2021.

Register now to participate in the free International Forum at After registering, we will provide you with the way to participate and the link to the live broadcast. Workshop sessions are provided at

公益第二十一届世界气功太极中医自然疗法大会即将于 4/23-26 召开

本次世界大会汇集海内外太极气功各派顶级高手,中医和自然疗法国际级专家,以及全球各大学院和组 织,共同推进各种健康养生、传统医学与自然疗法整合抗疫。主办单位网站

由本次大会主席西方气功之母周佩瑶、共同主席世界太极日之父道格拉斯、国际医药大学创校校长核关医 学王英秋、大会执行主席美国武医研究院院长练治结合气针灸傅学理等,邀请到现在世界最顶级的中医专 家,有武汉抗疫英雄方邦江、专家委员会主席美国陆彪、学术委员会主席英国江丹、中国手法美容宋振 之,铍针筋膜美容章瑛,世中联针刀主席卢胜春,华人一手李建华,套针侯国文, 美国中医针灸联盟副主 席苏华昌,ACAOM 前主席陈业孟院长、NCCAOM 前主席郝吉顺、澳大利亚中医药学会终身会长郑建华、 全欧洲专家联合会会长朱勉生、疫情专家同仁堂任丽萍,加拿大中医针灸联盟主席、迷你小刃针黄国健, 以及法、德意、日、匈等 50 国近 90 位专家,直接交流最新实用太极气功及中医针灸技术。执行主办网站

本次网络论坛于美西时间 4 月 23 日到 26 日每天早 9 点到晚 10 点中英文共 4 天,通过 ZOOM 直播、岐黄网直播、facebook、youtube 等录播,环球龙视 Rose 和 Tc 媒体 GiGi 负责各国同时转播。在论坛后 5 月 1 日和 5 月 2 日特别安排 10 多位顶级针灸太极气功专家传授的特低价研习班。

请您现在免费注册国际论坛,注册后我们将提供给您参加免费方式和直播链接。国际论坛免费注册链接: 专家研习班注册:

Dame Dr. Effie Chow – Chair 主席 周佩瑤博士   Dr. Jack Fu – Executive Chair 執行主席 付學理博士 敬邀!Contact Dr Jack Fu Tel 联系热线:626-215-3353      联络人: 执行主席 付學理博士: Email:注册邮箱

第 21 届世界气功太极中医自然疗法大会组委员会: 东西方医疗艺术学院 美国环球龙视 www.GlobalDragonTV.comTC 傳播公司 (TC Media, Intl.)www.KungFuMagazine.comHealth Prosperity & Leadership Institute www.hplconsortium.comAkamai University WWW.AKAMAIUNIVERSTITY .COM世界整合医学学会联合会