Tag: preventive medicine

September 10, 2018 Joe Brady

New research is validating an idea long held in traditional Chinese medicine that negative emotions can affect health. You can alsolearn to transform the emotions into something positive so that our response to stress can make you stronger.  Studies have shown stress from lack of control at work or from life events creates susceptibility to…

August 26, 2018 Joe Brady

AN OLLI LECTURE SERIES: COMMUNITY MEDICINE IN THE 21ST CENTURY Tuesdays 9:30am-11:30am – Park Hill United Methodist Church 5209 Montview Blvd. “Preventive medicine is education, empowerment and personal responsibility” former Surgeon General of the United States C. Everett Koop M.D. Learn to make sense of alternative medicine and what it can do for you. According to a recent…

May 6, 2018 Joe Brady

Tips from the “Yellow Emperor’s Medicine Cabinet” Allergies and the Winds of Spring “The three months of Spring are the season for renewal. 
With everything flourishing, the world is full of life.
To accord with the season, go to bed a little later, and get up a little earlier.
 Be patient and let things grow. Go for…

April 29, 2018 Joe Brady

From the ancient Taoist alchemists to modern molecular biology the science of gerontology has sought after mankind’s oldest dream, to live to a ripe old age with the health and vigor of youth. Closer now than ever before, many scientists believe we are on the cusp of dramatically altering the way we age, and many…

January 13, 2018 Joe Brady

Oxford Study Lectures- Community Med School Living Healthy Naturally A public lecture series for people interested in learning the natural health and healing secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine. at the University of Denver’s Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI) and Heather Gardens Designed to share traditional Chinese medicine with our greater community, our mission is…

November 19, 2017 Joe Brady

Tips from the Yellow Emperor’s Medicine Cabinet Autumn is a time to reflect… If we have enjoyed bounty, give thanks, If the year has been difficult be happy for what you do have. and resolve to do better when the chance appears. Deng Ming-Dao Autumn is a time to give thanks “The three months of…

January 14, 2017 Joe Brady

 Last call: Prevention Strategies for
 Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) 12 – 17 March 2017 An international programme for health professionals and policy makers. Last remaining places – apply by 18 January Why join the programme? • Network with professional colleagues from around the globe • Engage in panel discussions with policy makers, researchers and specialists • Develop your…