Month: January 2019

January 27, 2019 Joe Brady

According to a study reported in the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the National Library of Medicine the heat clearing herbs of traditional Chinese medicine can be quite effective in the treatment of inflammation and infections.  A growing number of high quality randomized controlled trials suggests that alternative therapies may improve the management of…

January 20, 2019 Joe Brady

Physical inactivity is a fast-growing public health problem and contributes to a variety of chronic diseases and health complications, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression and anxiety, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Exercise is Medicine® calls on each person dedicated to the idea that exercise truly is medicine to continue to build, support and advocate for…

January 13, 2019 Joe Brady

In recent years researchers have looked at positive, healthy aspects of the aging mind instead of just looking at pathology or what makes us sick in the mind. The cultivation of wisdom turns out to be a key to brains aging in a healthy manner. The old adage “use it or lose it” becomes a…

January 6, 2019 Joe Brady

The January 19th issue of National Geographic highlights how traditional Chinese medicine is taking the scientific community by storm. This ancient medicine is accumulating an evidence base that rivals the best in modern medicine even a Nobel prize in Medicine in 2015. Scientists from leading universities in the United States and Europe, including Harvard Medical…

January 1, 2019 Joe Brady

More and more doctors are recommending mind-body therapies like tai chi, meditation, chiropractic, supplements, hypnosis therapy, and even yoga to help you get relief from dozens of painful conditions. Harvard Medical School experts explain the research behind natural and alternative remedies without drugs or surgery. This enlightening report reveals: Mind-body secrets for “turning down the…