Tag: masks

October 18, 2020 Joe Brady

It’s late in the sixth round. Nine more rounds to go yet the fighter is already tired, exhausted in fact. Little by little his right hand begins to lower. Seems o.k., haven’t been hit on that side and he does so need to rest. The coach yells from the corner to “keep your guard up”…

September 1, 2020 Joe Brady

In a season that seems so dark, and bad news hitting the headlines in wave after wave, you have to look hard to find reasons for hope. Yet there is always hope and humanity has survived many a crisis by looking for a light at the end of the tunnel and making a break for…

July 8, 2020 Joe Brady

By Jacqui Shumway M.S. There is a pressing need to change behavior and encourage people to mask up properly. This is crucial behavior that everyone needs to follow yet we cannot make it so onerous that people refuse to follow the recommendations. Getting people to understand when where and why masks are important has been…

June 30, 2020 Joe Brady

For this demonstration, Dr. Davis held agar cultures near his face and sneezed, sang, talked, and coughed at them. For one set, he wore a standard surgical mask, and for the other, he wore no mask. Check out the video on the masking debate. We are officially living in a Parks and Rec episode.https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/microbiologist-mask-bacteria-demonstration

June 23, 2020 Joe Brady

Two hairstylists in Springfield, Missouri, tested positive for COVID-19 in late May. Together they had seen 140 customers since the salon reopened. They may have been contagious the whole time. But instead of detecting a cluster of new cases, local public-health had 46 salon customers tested for the virus, not one was positive. The reason…