From the Osher Clinic at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital If the coronavirus doesn’t get you the stress will. With months yet to go in this pandemic we all need tools and resources for coping with COVID-19. Although disappointed we could not attend in person this year, Jacqui and I did get…
Tag: Meditation in Motion
Mindfulness meditation encompasses a wide variety of meditation practices. Everything from formal meditations like prayer, Zen or transcendental meditation to active meditations like tai chi and yoga are forms of mindful meditation. Even reading a good book is meditation at a very simple and enjoyable level. Anything that forces us to focus the mind on…
Meditation in Motion By Joe Brady and Jacqui Shumway “T’ai-chi is often described as meditation in motion,”but it might well be called medication in motion. There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice … has value in treating or preventing many health problems.” – Harvard Medical Health Publication 2013
Bridging the gap between world class research, and local community health promotion in Colorado The Institute seeks to be proactive in the community and connect with local health care providers and community groups. Entertaining and inspiring these lectures are designed to increase knowledge and motivation for participants to live a healthier more vigorous life. This…