About our Team




The Journal is supervised under an advisory board of doctor’s, acupuncturist’s, masters degree level fitness professionals and leading experts on health promotion and has loads of information to help members to take charge of their own health. Contributors to the blog are united in their desire to see that accurate, evidence based information about health promotion and alternative medicine be available to all.

Joe Portrait

Joseph Brady, M.S.T.C.M., L.Ac., Dipl. O. M.,

Nationally board certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine (TCM.) and an internationally recognized expert on healthy aging and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Joe has spent over 20 years teaching at the University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, the University of Denver, Institute of Gerontology, and Metropolitan State University, Dept. of Human Performance. Former columnist on healthy aging for the Rocky Mountain News, Joe has presented at many scientific and medical conferences and twice been a featured presenter at the Oxford Roundtable at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford U.K. Joe currently runs his own clinic in the Denver area and serves as Director of the Living Younger Longer Institute.


Jacqui Shumway, M.A. Therapeutic Kinesiology

With over 25 years experience in developing, teaching, and coordinating clinical exercise therapy and alternative medicine programs at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, St. Joseph Hospital, Metropolitan State University, Red Rocks Community College, and the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jacqui is currently Community Outreach Director at Living Younger Longer Institute. Jacqui has been appointed and elected to advise and serve on local, state, and national boards, serving many years as Western Region Director for the National Association of Health and Fitness and Vice President of the Colorado Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness. Winner of numerous awards, Jacqui has twice been a featured presenter at the Oxford Roundtable at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford U.K..

Coach Stacey Fowler

Coach Stacy Fowler, M.S., C.P.T

Coach has been in the forefront of the Colorado and national fitness industry for over 20 years. She served four Governors as the President of the Colorado Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness and is currently the Colorado State Coordinator for the Presidents’ Challenge and Vice President of the National Association for Health and Fitness. Her knowledge as a fitness expert and skills as a speaker and presenter are in high demand. She hosts fitness segments on both TV and radio, and has been featured on Good Morning America and Colorado & Company, as well as in such publications as Shape Magazine, Prevention, and Ladies' Home Journal.
Coach Stacy also teaches fitness classes through community and hospital venues, and emcees a wide variety of community and school events geared toward fitness and wellness.

Advisors and Contributors

Stacey Fowler M.S. Colorado State Coordinator for the Presidents’ Challenge
Andrew Freeman M.D. National Jewish Hospital, director Walk With A Doc
Grace Alfonsi M.D. Denver Health Medical Center, Associate Professor of Medicine, CU Medical School
Enid Cox Phd. Former Director University of Denver Institute of Gerontology (Retired)
Sue Bozinovski, Manager, Specialty Programs at Adams County Dept. of Human Services
Nora Lyster M.D. Geriatrician Kaiser Permanente (Retired)
Zachary Taylor, M.D., M.S.Assistant Surgeon General for Region 8 (Retired)
Lizzy M. Sinatra, MPH Community-Campus Partnership, CU Anschutz Medical Campus
Stephanie Harrison RDH, MA, Dean, Health Sciences, Community College of Denver
Don McCoy, RT(T), MHA, Director, Radiation Therapy Program, CCD
Shellie Phol Executive Director Presidents Council for Physical Fitness, Health and Nutrition
Hannah K. Torkelson, Presidents Council for Physical Fitness, Health and Nutrition

Special thanks to members of the Oxford Roundtable:




Shenette McCandless Oxford Round Table
Daniel Hall-Flavin Mayo Clinic, Minnesota USA
Mark Sandham Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford
Annette Huntington Massey University, New Zealand
Amira Y. Badri King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia
Helga Refsum University of Oslo, Norway
KuoYuan Hwa National Taipei University, Taiwan
Erin Maughan National Association of School Nurses, USA
Joss Gordon Merton College, University of Oxford
Sue Webster Australian Catholic University, Australia
Sharvari Karandikar Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Ramneek Ahluwalia UNISA Pretoria, South Africa
Valencia B. Keen Sam Houston State University, USA
Norma Mosser Seton Hill University, USA
Dian Davitt Webster University United States
M. Dawn Larsen Minnesota State University, USA
Sheri Palmer Brigham Young University, USA Beverly Lunsford
George Washington University School of Nursing, USA
Todd (T.J.) McCallum Case Western Reserve University, USA
Jenny Carryer Massey University New Zealand
Barbara Rose Dalhousie University, Canada
O.C. Nzeagwu Michael Okpara University, Nigeria
Paul Steele Morehead State University, USA 
Charles Eregie University of Benin, Nigeria
Marilynn Kish-Molina University of Houston, USA
Rosalie Thackrah Health Sciences Curtin University, Australia
Charles Mould Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Alanoud Aladel King Saud University Community Health Science Center
Barbara Heise Brigham Young University, USA