Tag: Healthy Aging

February 1, 2021 Joe Brady

Grand Rounds Osher Institute for Integrative medicine, Harvard Medical School/ Brigham and Women’s Hospital Date: Tuesday, February 2nd at 8:00-9:00 am on ZoomRegister Here Stress impacts aging in multiple ways; stress management over the lifespan is increasingly recognized as a strategy to promote healthy aging of the body and mind. Integrative medicine practices like yoga, tai…

July 21, 2019 Joe Brady

The elixir of life and the fountain of youth have been sought for centuries by those who wish to stay young . It still seems that each month we hear about a new anti aging drug or product that promises the proverbial youth in a bottle. There is one anti-aging therapy that has been around…

April 21, 2019 Joe Brady

Throughout history mankind has held three great dreams, to put a man on the moon, to turn lead into gold and to extend healthy lifespan with some elixir of life. We have already achieved the first two dreams. The United States put the first man on the moon on July 20th 1969. Recently scientists have succeeded…

October 28, 2018 Joe Brady

As if there were not enough reasons already to increase your physical activity. More and more studies are showing physical activity improves brain function in those who are moderately physically active. One Cochrane analysis of eleven randomly controlled clinical trials showed there is evidence that aerobic physical activities which improve cardiorespiratory fitness are beneficial for…

October 21, 2018 Joe Brady

Modern research on a wide variety of different animal species has shown that calorically restricted otherwise known as nutrient dense diets can extend the healthy portion of lifespan and even extend genetic lifespan. What we already know is that reducing empty calories from the diet and replacing those calories with higher levels of nutrition can…

April 29, 2018 Joe Brady

From the ancient Taoist alchemists to modern molecular biology the science of gerontology has sought after mankind’s oldest dream, to live to a ripe old age with the health and vigor of youth. Closer now than ever before, many scientists believe we are on the cusp of dramatically altering the way we age, and many…

April 22, 2018 Joe Brady

Medical Qigong is the primary form of exercise therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, Qigong exercises are considered superior to herbal medicine and acupuncture because patients learn to keep themselves healthy by using exercises designed to cultivate a strong mind and a strong body.  With over 3600 psychophysiological exercises developed over centuries,…

February 8, 2018 Joe Brady

University of Denver Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI) Program, Coming to Park Hill United Methodist Church “The biggest problem in the world today is ignorance, and the only cure for ignorance is education”! Free Concert and Open House Sunday, February 25th 1:00-3:30 pm at Park Hill UMC, 5209 Montview Blvd, Denver, CO 80207 To Register…

January 21, 2018 Joe Brady

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Instead of trying to avoid stress in our lives, perhaps we should embrace it. We need to gain a sense of mastery over life and the stresses that go with being alive. We all must choose at some point to become the hero of our own life story…