Tag: Qigong

April 19, 2021 Joe Brady

Free 0n-line Event! 21st World Congress Qigong / Tai Chi / Traditional Chinese Medicine /Natural HealingApril 23 to 26, 2021 The World Congress brings together top masters of Taichi and Qigong from all over the world. Learn from international experts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and natural therapy as well as from universities and organizations leading in the fields…

March 1, 2021 Joe Brady

Leading Scientists Discuss Their Scientific & Personal Encounters with Qi SEE HISTORIC SUMMIT “THE SCIENCE OF QI” with Harvard Osher Center Director, Dr. Peter Wayne, author of “Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi” in discussion with Dr. Richard Hammerschlag, neuro-biologist and naturopathic researcher. A profound 2-hour exchange with audience questions. Brought to you by…

September 30, 2019 Joe Brady

On the day you were born your parents gave you three treasures, they gave you a mind, They gave you a body and they gave you the Qi, the Chinese word for the body”s energy and the connections between the mind and the body. These are the three treasures in traditional Chinese medicine, the san…

October 22, 2017 Joe Brady

Healthy, happy, fully functional people are money in the bank for our whole society. Although Tai Chi and Qigong have a thousand year history of preventing and treating disease, they are just now getting deserved attention as a result of an initiative of the American College of Sports Medicine called Exercise Is Medicine™. The purpose…