We are all going to be somewhat cooped up over the next few months in order to avoid COVID. For many, that means their health will be deteriorating in other ways. However, you can be proactive and reduce this decline. You can still exercise outside as long as you are being careful…and indoor Zoom classes offer an alternative to staring at the walls and being bored and inactive at home. Since the pandemic began and despite ever-changing pandemic restrictions, we have been able to safely continue our regular Tai chi classes outside while being socially distant and masked when necessary. However, taking on new students has been challenging. So, as a public health service, we have decided to open up a free Zoom beginner class on Friday mornings at 10:00 am MST. Folks must register and anyone can join.
The Evidence-base for Tai Chi: Benefits of Tai Chi according to Harvard Medical School
“T’ai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems.” Harvard Medical School
Free Zoom Tai Chi Classes for Beginners
See the bottom of this article
7 Amazing Reasons to Start Doing Tai Chi Today!
The ancient Chinese practice of Tai Chi is becoming widely recognized as one of the most powerful ways to improve both physical and mental health. Try Introduction to Tai Chi today and help your health with:
- Better Balance: Studies show older adults who did tai chi one to three times a week were 43% less likely to fall, and they cut their risk of injury in half!
- Pain Relief: Tai chi offers significant relief from back, neck, arthritis, and fibromyalgia pain
- A Sharper Mind: It’s shown to help reduce age-related cognitive decline … and even slow dementia!
- Better Heart Health: Tai chi may reduce your chances of developing heart disease — even if you have risk factors
- Improved Mood: In 82% of studies, tai chi greatly improved mood and lowered anxiety. It’s also an effective treatment for depression
- Less Stress: Learn the secret to taking deep, calming breaths and reduce anxiety and depression
- Lower blood pressure… and so much more!
Read more for information on the science behind Tai Chi and access to Zoom classes and other resources.
What Are Tai Chi and Qi Gong?
Tai Chi and Qi Gong are centuries-old, related mind and body practices. They involve postures and gentle movements that incorporate mental focus, breathing, and relaxation. The movements can be adapted or practiced while walking, standing, or sitting. In contrast to Qi Gong, Tai Chi movements, if practiced quickly, can be a form of combat or self-defense.
What Science Says About the Effectiveness of Tai Chi and Qi Gong
Research findings suggest that practicing Tai Chi may improve balance and stability in older people and those with Parkinson’s, reduce pain from knee osteoarthritis, help people cope with fibromyalgia and back pain, and promote quality of life and mood in people with heart failure and cancer. There’s been less research on the effects of Qi Gong, but some studies suggest it may reduce cognitive decline, chronic neck pain (although results are mixed) and pain from fibromyalgia. Qi Gong also may help to improve general quality of life. Both can offer psychological benefits, such as reducing anxiety, but differences in how the research on anxiety was conducted make this less conclusive.
Research findings suggest that practicing Tai Chi may improve balance and stability in older people and those with Parkinson’s disease, help people cope with fibromyalgia and back pain, and promote quality of life and mood in people with chronic illnesses. Less research has been done on Qi Gong.
NCCIH-funded research has contributed to the understanding of the health effects of Tai Chi. For example, one study showed that Tai Chi and physical therapy were equally helpful for knee osteoarthritis and another showed that Tai Chi has benefits for fibromyalgia symptoms that are similar to or greater than those of aerobic exercise.
For more on the scientific evidence for the benefits see
Free Zoom Tai Chi Classes for beginners
Join us for the T’ai Chi Project free live online classes for beginning students.
Class Format:
- 9:55-10:05am sign in and pose questions.
- 10:05-10:45am Qi Gong Warmups/Tai Chi Chu’an practice/Qi Gong Breathing Cooldown
- 10:05-10:45am Qi Gong Warmups/Tai Chi Chu’an practice/Qi Gong Breathing Cooldown
- 10:45-11:00am Discussion and Practice assignments
These ZOOM classes are led by Joseph Brady, L.Ac., MSTCM and Jacqui Shumway, BBA, MA Kinesiology.
Joseph and Jacqui are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom session.
Topic: Friday Beginner T’ai Chi
Time: 10:00 am MST This is a recurring meeting
Join Zoom Session
Meeting ID: 922 0828 4578
If you are having trouble with audio, in Colorado, call 1-720-707-2699
Not in Colorado? Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acb4ZCV7u